

Our Quality system is based on the standards of GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17025/2017.

Accreditations, qualifications and certifications are carried out by official bodies and institutes, such as CGCRE (ISO 17025), ANVISA, INEA, CRBio, CRQ, IBAMA, FEAM, FEPAM, among others.

We meet the legal requirements related to quality and environmental aspects of occupational safety and health and are engaged in training and improving our resources, always seeking to satisfy our customers and meet their expectations.

We prioritize work methods that minimize impacts on the environment and prioritize the safe behavior of our employees.


Oceanus through its Quality System, which contemplates the fulfillment of the requirements of the ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17025 standard, has as a quality policy, “to meet the needs of customers, adapting them to the most pertinent legislation for each case, within contracted to Oceanus and within the approved laboratory methodologies. “


The organization establishes, documents, implements and maintains an Integrity system, seeking to continuously improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of the standard, conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with its requirements, even if there are internal or external changes.

The organization, based on its exposure to risks:

  • Determines the appropriate and / or necessary processes for the Integrity system and its application throughout the organization;
  • It determines criteria and methods necessary to ensure that the management, operation and monitoring of these processes are effective;
  • Ensures the availability of resources and information necessary to support the management, operation and monitoring of these processes;
  • It makes employees aware of the importance of an Integrity system and the need for its effective application. These processes are managed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of the applicable standards.


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